The Benefits Of Music Therapy On Recovery

Music therapy is one of the creative arts therapies that we offer here at Serenity at Summit that is helpful for clients in recovery. This creative approach to recovery can be effective, even with clients who are resistant to other treatment methods.

Music is something that is familiar to everyone and can provoke an emotional response because of a natural connection and the feelings of security that are associated with either vocal or instrumental pieces of work.

What is Music Therapy?

In our music therapy program, clients work with a therapist to accomplish specific goals. This service is similar to physical therapy or occupational therapy and can be used to address psychological, physical or social issues the client may be experiencing.

The music is used as a way to communicate and express ideas that they may not be able to express using words alone. Therapy sessions include a combination of listening to music, actively making music and discussions with the music therapist.

The music therapist works in conjunction with the treatment team to develop a program based on a client’s individual assessment and treatment plan. Programs can be developed for individuals or groups to meet a variety of needs, ranging from reducing anxiety to creating a deeper sense of self-understanding.

Benefits of Music Therapy for Addiction Recovery

A client doesn’t need to have a musical background to benefit from music therapy. The benefits of music therapy for recovery include:

  • Develops relaxation and coping skills
  • Enhances awareness of self and one’s environment
  • Provides a sense of control over life by having a successful experience during the session
  • Improves problem-solving skills
  • Supports healthy thoughts and feelings
  • Increases motivation
  • Successfully interact socially with other people
  • Improves self-image
  • Reduces muscle tension
  • Safe way to release emotions
  • Improves concentration and attention span
  • Decreases anxiety
  • Helps resolve conflicts, which leads to stronger and more positive relationships with family members and friends

Here at Serenity at Summit, we offer creative arts therapies to our clients from the beginning of our treatment process. It’s part of our holistic approach to treating our clients as a whole person and addressing their needs on a physical, emotional and spiritual level.

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